Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peanut Butter and Jelly

The babes are now three months. It is so fun having these cuties in our home. They are at the stage of smiling, laughing, and cooing- and they just love us and think we are so funny. So, my day is now busy with getting Alison to the school bus, going for morning walks with friends, (sometimes I can even squeeze 10 minutes of pilates in) and etertaining (and feeding and changing) Bailey, Lilly and Lauren the rest of the day. Luckily, Lauren has a good friend next door so that helps her stay busy. Alison is liking school, but will usually have a melt down around 7 pm. All day kindergarten eventually has its effect on her.
Its funny having twins, because wherever I go people undoubtly will say something like, "wow, you must be busy," or "you have your hands full." And I say "yes". But, I would really like to say when they keep talking is: please stop talking to me so I can finish my shopping here at Target and get out of here before my older children run away from me again and before I have to feed two babies. haha. Actually, its not that bad. I do love going out with them, its just the going out is the hard part sometimes. Luckily for our car and our budget we don't go out too much.
So, here are some new pictures of our little babies. Our friend Jennifer, the photographer, yet again took some pictures of our babes (man, I'm lucky to have her as a friend)- she did an amazing job!
Lilly is in the pink hat and Bailey in the white hat
Ying Yang
We love you all. Have a great day!
Love, Tracy


Kara said...

I would love for you to really say that to those people just once. Just to see their reaction. haha. I know, I am wicked.

The new pictures are so darling.

Aubrey said...

Adorable pictures - I'm glad you posted them. They are growing quickly!

p.s. Like the blog


Wow, they're three months! And you look amazing, even if you'd only had a single baby, but you had twins!

Hurtado Family said...

Great pics on every post. So good to hear how you are doing.

Christy said...

Your hands are full of LOVERLY girls!
We can't wait to visit!