Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Alison worked on her first science fair project this month. Her project was
What Freezes Fastest - plain water, water with sugar, or water with salt. She did a great job (and so did Steve and I since this was our first little science fair project too).
Jen and Conrad came for a visit after Thanksgiving. We had a great time with them. They got to see first hand the craziness of our life with babies crying , diaper changes, and putting up Christmas decorations. Here Conrad and Steve play a Wii boxing game.
After Thanksgiving turkeys went on sale so we decided to make our very own turkey.
This was a first for us since we've always gone over to other people's houses for Thanksgiving (for which we are so grateful). All I can say is thank you Ina Garten- I love your recipes!

We had a great time at Aunt Jeannine's house for an amazing Thanksgiving feast.
Heather, Jeannine, Bailey and I recovering after the feast.

Dessert Time!

Aunt Jeannine and Bailey playing piano.

Alison and Lauren loving the party.


Christy said...

Looks like a great turkey time!
Wow, just in K and already a science project?
What school is this?

Aubrey said...

Very cute pictures. Alison's science project was a good idea and Lauren's hair is getting so long.