Monday, February 21, 2011

Another project and ice skating

This is the little reading nook in Alison and Lauren's room that wasn't really working anymore. We were finding it constantly cluttered in their room and we have a good deal of books for such a small shelf.

Here is a free book shelf we got- so I spruced it up with a little bit of paint and now it looks like this:

Ahh! Much better.

On another note- today, I took the girls ice skating. At first they were a bit nervous holding onto the sides, but it didn't take them long until they were on their own skating. They both fell down and wobbled quite a bit, but we had a great time.


Cobbs Hill said...

The girls look so cute ice skating, and Tracy you did such an amazing job on that bookcase! I'm dying to know how you did the pink and white stripes- I'm sure their room looks perfect now!

Aubrey said...

LOVE it! You really are the project queen and it looks great in their room.
Ally and Lolo are adorable ice skating together.

Charlene said...

What a fabulous job. You really are quite the decoratuer!! The stripes came out so cute. What lucky little girls to have such a great mom!

Unknown said...

I am Mel Walker, I am trying to make contact with Maryjane Laverty and Stephen Laverty.
Can you help me?
I hope so.