Monday, September 5, 2011

the Summer wrap-up

Arrrr mateys! We've had a great summer visiting with lots of family and friends. After we left MV we had a nice stay at Grandma and Papa's house where we visited:

The Jones family! We will miss you guys. Good luck in your move to Washington.

Visits with sisters. Our girls are lucky to have some amazing Aunties.

We visited with my friend Mara and her adorable girls.

My BFF from grade school and high school- Mara Gleason (now Powers). Its always a blessing to catch up with a dear friend.

Steve's brother, Joe and his family came to visit us. We took them into D.C to visit the Zoo, the American History museum and the Natural History museum. Ahh, I just love museums!

visiting the Ape House

Downey and Laverty girls

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