Saturday, August 27, 2011

Family Furniture Part II

Here are the side tables I painted for our master bedroom. Originally I wanted to go with a French blue, but when I painted one and put it in my room I knew I already had enough of the blue and white and needed a punch of color. My sister Aubrey suggested a coral color and I think this looks great with my light blues and beige. This room is still a work in process, however, I love how these tables turned out.

Here's the sad before shot of the two side tables.

And look at them now- they're positively radiant!


Aubrey said...

LOVE the coral. It really makes the room pop and I love the floral pillow too.

Whitney said...

Congratulations Steve and Tracey -- you've won one of the copies of "The Entitlement Trap".

Will you e-mail me your address at whitneyljohnson at yahoo dot com?

And I'll send it off?